Wednesday, December 26, 2007

WWII RTS LOL: from the Headmistress

*Hitler[AoE] has joined the game.*
*Eisenhower has joined the game.*
*paTTon has joined the game.*
*Churchill has joined the game.*
*benny-tow has joined the game.*
*T0J0 has joined the game.*
*Roosevelt has joined the game.*
*Stalin has joined the game.*
*deGaulle has joined the game.*
Roosevelt: hey sup
T0J0: y0
Stalin: hi
Churchill: hi
Hitler[AoE]: cool, i start with panzer tanks!
paTTon: lol more like panzy tanks
T0JO: lol
Roosevelt: o this fockin sucks i got a depression!
benny-tow: haha america sux
Stalin: hey hitler you dont fight me i dont fight u, cool?
Hitler[AoE]; sure whatever
Stalin: cool
deGaulle: **** Hitler rushed some1 help
Hitler[AoE]: lol byebye frenchy
Roosevelt: i dont got **** to help, sr y
C hurchil l: wtf the luftwaffle is attacking me
Roosevelt: get antiair guns
Churchill: i cant afford them
benny-tow: u n00bs know what team talk is?
paTTon: stfu
Roosevelt: o yah hit the navajo button guys
deGaulle: eisenhower ur worthless come help me quick
Eisenhower: i cant do **** til rosevelt gives me an army
paTTon: yah hurry the fock up
Churchill: d00d im gettin pounded
deGaulle: this is fockin weak u guys suck
*deGaulle has left the game.*
Roosevelt: im gonna attack the axis k?
benny-tow: with what? ur wheelchair?
benny-tow: lol did u mess up ur legs AND ur head?
Hitler[AoE]: ROFLMAO
T0J0: lol o no america im comin 4 u
Roosevelt: wtf! thats bullsh1t u fags im gunna kick ur asses
T0JO: not without ur harbors u wont! lol
Roosevelt: u little biotch ill get u
Hitler[AoE]: wtf
Hitler[AoE]: america hax, u had depression and now u got a huge fockin army
Hitler[AoE]: thats bullsh1t u hacker
Churchill: lol no mo re fra nce f or u h itler
Hitler[AoE]: tojo help me!
T0J0: wtf u want me to do, im on the other side of the world retard
Hitler[AoE]: fine ill clear you a path
Stalin: WTF u arsshoel! WE HAD A FoCKIN TRUCE
Hitler[AoE]: i changed my mind lol
benny-tow: haha
benny-tow: hey ur losing ur guys in africa im gonna need help in italy soon sum1
T0J0: o **** i cant help u i got my hands full
Hitler[AoE]: im 2 busy 2 help
Roosevelt: yah thats right ***** im comin for ya
Stalin: church help me
Churchill: like u helped me before? sure ill just sit here
Stalin: dont be an arss
Churchill: dont be a commie. oops too late
Eisenhower: LOL
benny-tow: hahahh oh sh1t help
Hitler: o man ur focked
paTTon: oh what now biotch
Roosevelt: whos the cripple now lol
*benny-tow has been eliminated.*
benny-tow: lame
Roosevelt: gj patton
paTTon: thnx
Hitler[AoE]: WTF eisenhower hax hes killing all my sh1t
Hitler[AoE]: quit u hacker so u dont r uin my rec ord
Eisenhower: Nuts!
benny~tow: wtf that mean?
Eisenhower: meant to say nutsack lol finger slipped
paTTon: coming to get u hitler u paper hanging hun cocksocker
Stalin: rofl
Hitler[AoE]: u guys are fockin gay
Hitler[AoE]: ur never getting in my city
*Hitler[AoE] has been eliminated.*
benny~tow: OMG u noob you killed yourself
Eisenhower: ROFLOLOLOL
Stalin: OMG LMAO!
Hitler[AoE]: WTF i didnt click there omg this game blows
*Hitler[AoE] has left the game*
paTTon: hahahhah
T0J0: WTF my teammates are n00bs
benny~tow: shut up noob
Roosevelt: haha wut a moron
paTTon: wtf am i gunna do now?
Eisenhower: yah me too
T0J0: why dont u attack me o thats right u dont got no ships lololol
Eisenhower: fock u
paTTon: lemme go thru ur base commie
Stalin: go to hell lol
paTTon: fock this sh1t im goin afk
Eisenhower: yah this is gay
*Roosevelt has left the game.*
Hitler[AoE]: wtf?
Eisenhower : sh1t no w we n eed some1 to join
*tru_m4n has joined the game.*
tru_m4n: hi all
T0J0: hey
Stalin: sup
Churchill: hi
tru_m4n: OMG OMG OMG i got all his stuff!
tru_m4n: NUKES! HOLY **** I GOT NUKES
Stalin: d00d gimmie some plz
tru_m4n: no way i only got like a couple
Stalin: omg dont be gay gimmie nuculer secrets
T0J0: wtf is nukes?
T0J0: holy ****holy****hoyl****!
*T0J0 has been eliminated.*
*The Allied team has won the game!*
Eisenhower: awesome!
Churchill: gg noobs no re
T0J0: thats bull**** u fockin suck
*T0J0 has left the game.*
*Eisenhower has left the game.*
Stalin: next game im not going to be on ur team, u guys didnt help me for ****
Churchill: wutever, we didnt need ur help neway dumbarss
tru_m4n: l8r all
benny~tow: bye
Churchill: l8r
Stalin: fock u all
tru_m4n: shut up commie lol
*tru_m4n has left the game.*
benny~tow: lololol u commie
Churchill: ROFL
Churchill: bye commie
*Churchi ll has l eft th e game.*
*benny~tow has left the game.*
Stalin: i hate u all fags
*Stalin has left the game.*
paTTon: lol no1 is left
paTTon: weeeee i got a jeep
*paTTon has been eliminated.*
paTTon: o sh1t!
*paTTon has left the game.*

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Drink Of The Day: Sex Under the Christmas Tree

2 cans of sliced peach in heavy syrup
1 bottle cranberry juice
1/2 gal orange juice
1 bottle triple sec
1 bottle vodka

Mix ingredients in punch bowl without ice, let sit for about 30 minutes. Before serving, add ice, Serve in punch cups.

Merry Christmas

Friday, December 21, 2007

Well Eat Your Soul!!

Evil Dead Is A Go. Also a remake is in the works, Rumors have it that Takashi Shimizu of THE GRUDGE will be directing it. Fans of the original trilogy have no fear Sam Raimi will be directing Evil Dead IX, Or so I hear..

The original EVIL DEAD was followed by a remake/sequel, EVIL DEAD 2: DEAD BY DAWN and a third wacky medievel-themed zombiefest, ARMY OF DARKNESS. Raimi now tells Bloody Disgusting that the upcoming EVIL DEAD remake will actually be a remake of both EVIL DEAD and EVIL DEAD 2, which makes sense when you think about it. The first ten minutes of EVIL DEAD 2 itself basically remakes the first film with less characters and a different mood and then goes off on its own from there.

But the reason why he isn't remaking it himself is because he will be do busy prepping EVIL DEAD 4... starring Bruce Campbell! Yes, the man is returning.

"This is the project I really want to make. The remake can belong to someone else, but part 4 will be a continuation of the original," Raimi said.

In a way, you have to admire his desire to make a sequel. Raimi can pretty much write out a blank check for anything right now. After years and years of hype and false starts, Raimi is the man who finally brought SPIDER-MAN to the screen and he delivered a film that more than lived up to expectations. He then did what many said was impossible by bringing a sequel that many think is better than the original. So, naturally he's also busy on SPIDEY 3 for 2007.

But what did he do with his clout? He set up Ghost House Productions, giving new horror directors a chance. He obviously remembers where he comes from. Also, Raimi is going back to his roots for another EVIL DEAD, starring Campbell and reportedly a lot of other players from previous EVIL DEAD films as well (most of them wound up zombie chow so who knows how this will happen?). Sam Raimi is currently writing the script for EVIL DEAD 4 with his brother, actor Ted Raimi. They hope to be in production later this year.

Click the pic..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Movie revues: The Pathfinder

I loved this movie it was like Lord of the rings meets The Last Of The Mohicans.

Click the pic.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

You May Have Notated

You may note the link to Classic Trek is gone, Quite frankly I am tired of there anal retentive ways. Over spelling, punctuation, Cannon/Non-Cannon.. I can go on and on but I won't; RPG's are meant to be fun not a exercise in screenplay writing. And to those at WWW.ClassicTrek.Com take the treble out of your ass and lighten up. And Mad Ox I wouldn't let you kiss My ass if you begged Me.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Flash Gordon may be dead.

everyone hates the new Flash Gordon!, don't read if bad reviews bother u.

SciFi Channel forms tare Gordo a new one.. click the pick..

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Are Vegan's A Endangered Species?

A new phenomenon in New Zealand is taking the idea of you are what you eat to the extreme.

Vegansexuals are people who do not eat any meat or animal products, and who choose not to be sexually intimate with non-vegan partners whose bodies, they say, are made up of dead animals.

The co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human and Animal Studies at Canterbury University, Annie Potts, said she coined the term after doing research on the lives of "cruelty-free consumers".

I think some people have to much time on there hands, In today's world you are lucky to be living in a place that you are not starving..

"Not eating meat is a decision. Eating meat is an instinct!" ~Denis Leary
There are far more "meat eaters" on this planet than not, Humans was meant to be omnivors not carnivores or vegetarians, it is true that strict carnivores have longer intestines than humans but we humans have only one stomach no gizzard and we do not chew cud. Furthermore are teeth are a mix of molars and cutter/rippers (canine & incisors).

Friday, July 27, 2007


My BBQ sauce recipe.

1 4oz can of tomato paste
1 tbs of chili powder
1 tbs garlic powder
1 tbs onion powder
1 tbs celery salt
1 tsp Gr. mustard
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
1 1/2 caps of liquid smoke (or 1 tsp)
1/4 cup molasses
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs olive oil
1/4 cup water

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A bone to pick

Sen. Joe Biden Made very snide comments to a very valid question from Jered Townsend for calling his rifle his baby, Sen. Joe Biden May be a lawyer but he knows nothing of psychology I have a associates degree in it so I think I am more qualified than he to make such a comment. Now Jered Townsend could have dressed more appropriately for talking to potential presidential candidates and spoke fondly of his firearm but dose that make him mentally unstable? No.. Tacky maybe but not mentally unstable. I too have referred to My pistol as My baby, yes I am a woman and a gun owner I would respect your views even if I did not agree with them. But insulting people passing judgment as tho you are some how superior is elitists by very nature. Sen. Joe Biden How dare you question someone for exercising there rights, wanting to restrict any right for any reason is wrong period! Saying that you was behind gun control is not something to brag about. You have the luxury of having many body guards and have no need to fear, how dare you restrict people's right to be safe from violent criminals that you would not prosecute. Quite frankly I am glad you showed your real face and to use a shooting euphemism you shot your self in the foot and you will never be president.

Monday, July 23, 2007

This is just wrong.

Drew Carrey The Price Is Right!!

It looks like Drew Carrey will be the new host of The Price Is Right. The former Marine turned comic and author of the book "Dirty Jokes and Beer". has been taped for a major turn for the upside. I did not see this coming but he seems like a very affable man with genuine good natured manor.

"On government: The less the better. As far as your personal goals are and what you actually want to do with your life, it should never have to do with the government. You should never depend on the government for your retirement, your financial security, for anything. If you do, you're screwed."

No links as of yet.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

Your Political Profile:

Overall: 70% Conservative, 30% Liberal

Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Online Dating

You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age

You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself.

You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Radical Math

"Social Justice Math" To Me it sound more like socialist math, Using political topics under the guise to "teach" math is deplorable. Saying it helps kids learn math is like saying warning labels prevent DUI's. Lets do the children a big favor and leave social topics to social studies/civics and stop trying to ram political idealism down there throats.

"There are two related ideas behind "Social Justice Math". The first is that you can use mathematics to teach and learn about issues of social, political and economic justice. The second is that you can learn math through the study of social justice issues - the development of mathematical literacy itself being an incredibly important social justice issue."
When placing the word "justice" in math, that should be a warning.

Communist Math In New York Public Schools

"Prominently displayed on the official program’s first page was a passage from Paulo Freire, the Brazilian Marxist educator and icon of the teaching-for-social-justice movement"

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy belated birthday

6/11/07 Happy belated birthday Nikki, I know your on vacation but I still should have posted this sooner.

The Price Is Wrong Damn It!

The TV game show the price is right may have dodged a major bullet to day, As Rosie O'Donnell may not be the next host of the show.

"I believe they're going to have a meeting with Rosie, "Barker said backstage Friday night at the Daytime Emmys, where he won his 19th trophy. "She knows the show. There's no doubt in my mind she could do the show. Now, whether they want a lady host, I don't know. I've never heard that discussed. As far as I know, they've only auditioned men." Barker said his friendship with O'Donnell goes back several years, when she had him as a guest on her old daytime talk show. "She told me she loved 'The Price Is Right' and wanted to host it one day," he recalled. LOS ANGELES—Bob Barker endorsed his old friend Rosie O'Donnell as a possible successor on "The Price Is Right, " although the newly retired host isn't sure CBS wants a woman to take over the game show.

This morning Rosie off camera at the The View told the audience that talks didn't work out because she wanted to make changes to the show.

Bob Barker spent 35 years as a politically neutral well mannered game show host who's only message was to spade or neuter pets. I do not think it had anything to do with a woman hosting the show, Rosie is a mean spirited bitter person and people went to the game show not only for a chance of winning but to feel good about them self's not to be insulted by the female equivalent of Don Rickles.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I apologies to guys that see this. But I think it is funny


"stress-induced" herpes outbreak. "Blisters had apparently spread to her anus and had taken on abcess-like features that required more serious medical attention." -hearsay-

According to a source at Century Regional Detention Facility, Ms. Hilton’s cell was quarantined immediately following her release, and a team of hazardous materials specialists from the Los Angeles County Fire Department is scheduled to inspect the premise later today. This news led to speculation that Ms.Hilton, who has long been suspected of harboring the mother of all herpes infections, may be sitting on something even more lethal. -More hearsay-

Personally I do not know but god only knows where she has been.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Replay video | Share video | Watch more videos

Thank you Rodger.

That is just sad, even if it did not happen exactly 6 days and 16 hours after My 29th birthday I would still remember it. My sister woke Me up by calling, screaming in the phone to turn on the news just in time to see the other plane hit.. What ever happened to "We will never forget."

Friday, June 8, 2007


Filed under Eweeeu.

Vancouver patient oozes green blood

Doctors at Vancouver's St. Paul's Hospital came across something highly illogical when they tried to put an arterial line into a patient about to undergo surgery: his blood was dark green.

The green blood — reminiscent of the Vulcan blood found in Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame — came as a bit of a shock to Dr. Alana Flexman and her colleagues, who report on the unusual case in this week's issue of the journal The Lancet.

Click The Pic.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Up Date, She is out? Edit:

Edit: Fry 6/8/07. She is back to 45 days, Th judge ordered her to serve out the full 45 days, in a fit she screamed it's not fare... I love you mom, as she was taken away.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?

“official conspiracy theory”

Conspiracy theorists will point to "Star Wars" as a fictional movie version of real events happening today. Someone was also recently moved to satirically show how conspiracy theorists work using Star Wars as an example. This story has been edited by Websurdity and Debunking 9/11.

Julie Brown - Homecoming Queens got a gun

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Too Funey

Monday, June 4, 2007

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy!


Dog Seatbelt law???

Click the pic

The Hiltion... Gray bar Hiltion that is..

Well she is in, lets see a show of hands how many people remember how many days she was supposed to serve? Well it is now down to 23 days. She is currently in solitary confinement.

Did terrorist use google as tool of terror ?

JUNE 4--One of the plotters behind the alleged scheme to explode gas pipelines at John F. Kennedy airport directed his co-conspirators to use Google Earth to obtain detailed aerial photos of the targeted facility. In a federal criminal complaint, an excerpt from which you'll find below, one of the accused, Abdul Kadir, reportedly told cohorts to use the popular satellite software after he determined that surveillance video shot by the men was "not sufficiently detailed for operational purposes."

Click The Pic

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Oh well

Nothing wakes you up faster than a cold wet nose in your armpit. But it is 6:15 and I have My coffee so all is well.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Schnauzer

A woman had a dog, a champion dog, a Schnauzer. She wanted to enter it in the local dog show, but the dog had some extra hair up around it's ears. So the woman went to the pharmacy to buy some Nair to take care of the problem.

When she brought the Nair to the counter, the Pharmacist said, "If you use this under your arms, you shouldn't put deodorant on for about an hour or it might irritate. And if you use it on your legs, you shouldn't go out in direct sunlight for two hours or you may break out in a rash. "

The woman explains, "Oh no, I'm going to use this on my Schnauzer."

The pharmacist thinks about this for a second and replies, "In that case you shouldn't ride a bicycle for a week!"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well lets see

Blonde Joke: Golfballs

A man gets on a bus with his pockets buldging with golfballs. He sits next to a blonde women who can't stop staring at his pants.

He shifts uncomfortably and explains, "Golfballs."

The blonde thinks about it for a while and says,

"Does that hurt as much as tennis elbow!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2007