Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A bone to pick

Sen. Joe Biden Made very snide comments to a very valid question from Jered Townsend for calling his rifle his baby, Sen. Joe Biden May be a lawyer but he knows nothing of psychology I have a associates degree in it so I think I am more qualified than he to make such a comment. Now Jered Townsend could have dressed more appropriately for talking to potential presidential candidates and spoke fondly of his firearm but dose that make him mentally unstable? No.. Tacky maybe but not mentally unstable. I too have referred to My pistol as My baby, yes I am a woman and a gun owner I would respect your views even if I did not agree with them. But insulting people passing judgment as tho you are some how superior is elitists by very nature. Sen. Joe Biden How dare you question someone for exercising there rights, wanting to restrict any right for any reason is wrong period! Saying that you was behind gun control is not something to brag about. You have the luxury of having many body guards and have no need to fear, how dare you restrict people's right to be safe from violent criminals that you would not prosecute. Quite frankly I am glad you showed your real face and to use a shooting euphemism you shot your self in the foot and you will never be president.


RabidCentrist said...

Biden is out of touch with reality. A firearm is the only reasonable means of self protection against aggressors, tyrants, and lunatics. All the anti-gunners succeed at doing is turning more law-abiding citizens into criminals. My elderly aunt was raped at knife point because she was mislead to believe that owning a gun for self-protection was not in her best interest and she even heard the perpetrator entering her home. He had cut the phone wires--not that calling 911 will save one in the middle of a violent attack.

Biden, you are unfit to lead this country, and so is anyone else who seeks to disarm law-abiding citizens who are exercising their rights guaranteed by the 2nd amendment.

In countries where people are disarmed, the criminals, insane, and corrupt are free to intimidate, brutalize and kill them. It's time to back off gunowners. Of course, you'll never get my vote.

SherryM said...

Amen pinecone, are rights was written in the blood of a million patriots. All of are rights are priceless, any one advocating control over are rights is a traitor.