Friday, December 21, 2007

Well Eat Your Soul!!

Evil Dead Is A Go. Also a remake is in the works, Rumors have it that Takashi Shimizu of THE GRUDGE will be directing it. Fans of the original trilogy have no fear Sam Raimi will be directing Evil Dead IX, Or so I hear..

The original EVIL DEAD was followed by a remake/sequel, EVIL DEAD 2: DEAD BY DAWN and a third wacky medievel-themed zombiefest, ARMY OF DARKNESS. Raimi now tells Bloody Disgusting that the upcoming EVIL DEAD remake will actually be a remake of both EVIL DEAD and EVIL DEAD 2, which makes sense when you think about it. The first ten minutes of EVIL DEAD 2 itself basically remakes the first film with less characters and a different mood and then goes off on its own from there.

But the reason why he isn't remaking it himself is because he will be do busy prepping EVIL DEAD 4... starring Bruce Campbell! Yes, the man is returning.

"This is the project I really want to make. The remake can belong to someone else, but part 4 will be a continuation of the original," Raimi said.

In a way, you have to admire his desire to make a sequel. Raimi can pretty much write out a blank check for anything right now. After years and years of hype and false starts, Raimi is the man who finally brought SPIDER-MAN to the screen and he delivered a film that more than lived up to expectations. He then did what many said was impossible by bringing a sequel that many think is better than the original. So, naturally he's also busy on SPIDEY 3 for 2007.

But what did he do with his clout? He set up Ghost House Productions, giving new horror directors a chance. He obviously remembers where he comes from. Also, Raimi is going back to his roots for another EVIL DEAD, starring Campbell and reportedly a lot of other players from previous EVIL DEAD films as well (most of them wound up zombie chow so who knows how this will happen?). Sam Raimi is currently writing the script for EVIL DEAD 4 with his brother, actor Ted Raimi. They hope to be in production later this year.

Click the pic..

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