Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Radical Math

"Social Justice Math" To Me it sound more like socialist math, Using political topics under the guise to "teach" math is deplorable. Saying it helps kids learn math is like saying warning labels prevent DUI's. Lets do the children a big favor and leave social topics to social studies/civics and stop trying to ram political idealism down there throats.

"There are two related ideas behind "Social Justice Math". The first is that you can use mathematics to teach and learn about issues of social, political and economic justice. The second is that you can learn math through the study of social justice issues - the development of mathematical literacy itself being an incredibly important social justice issue."
When placing the word "justice" in math, that should be a warning.

Communist Math In New York Public Schools

"Prominently displayed on the official program’s first page was a passage from Paulo Freire, the Brazilian Marxist educator and icon of the teaching-for-social-justice movement"

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