Saturday, June 30, 2007

Online Dating

You Probably Look Younger Than Your Age

You live a healthy lifestyle and know how to take care of yourself.

You'll probably have a youthful glow for many years.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Radical Math

"Social Justice Math" To Me it sound more like socialist math, Using political topics under the guise to "teach" math is deplorable. Saying it helps kids learn math is like saying warning labels prevent DUI's. Lets do the children a big favor and leave social topics to social studies/civics and stop trying to ram political idealism down there throats.

"There are two related ideas behind "Social Justice Math". The first is that you can use mathematics to teach and learn about issues of social, political and economic justice. The second is that you can learn math through the study of social justice issues - the development of mathematical literacy itself being an incredibly important social justice issue."
When placing the word "justice" in math, that should be a warning.

Communist Math In New York Public Schools

"Prominently displayed on the official program’s first page was a passage from Paulo Freire, the Brazilian Marxist educator and icon of the teaching-for-social-justice movement"

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy belated birthday

6/11/07 Happy belated birthday Nikki, I know your on vacation but I still should have posted this sooner.

The Price Is Wrong Damn It!

The TV game show the price is right may have dodged a major bullet to day, As Rosie O'Donnell may not be the next host of the show.

"I believe they're going to have a meeting with Rosie, "Barker said backstage Friday night at the Daytime Emmys, where he won his 19th trophy. "She knows the show. There's no doubt in my mind she could do the show. Now, whether they want a lady host, I don't know. I've never heard that discussed. As far as I know, they've only auditioned men." Barker said his friendship with O'Donnell goes back several years, when she had him as a guest on her old daytime talk show. "She told me she loved 'The Price Is Right' and wanted to host it one day," he recalled. LOS ANGELES—Bob Barker endorsed his old friend Rosie O'Donnell as a possible successor on "The Price Is Right, " although the newly retired host isn't sure CBS wants a woman to take over the game show.

This morning Rosie off camera at the The View told the audience that talks didn't work out because she wanted to make changes to the show.

Bob Barker spent 35 years as a politically neutral well mannered game show host who's only message was to spade or neuter pets. I do not think it had anything to do with a woman hosting the show, Rosie is a mean spirited bitter person and people went to the game show not only for a chance of winning but to feel good about them self's not to be insulted by the female equivalent of Don Rickles.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I apologies to guys that see this. But I think it is funny


"stress-induced" herpes outbreak. "Blisters had apparently spread to her anus and had taken on abcess-like features that required more serious medical attention." -hearsay-

According to a source at Century Regional Detention Facility, Ms. Hilton’s cell was quarantined immediately following her release, and a team of hazardous materials specialists from the Los Angeles County Fire Department is scheduled to inspect the premise later today. This news led to speculation that Ms.Hilton, who has long been suspected of harboring the mother of all herpes infections, may be sitting on something even more lethal. -More hearsay-

Personally I do not know but god only knows where she has been.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007


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Thank you Rodger.

That is just sad, even if it did not happen exactly 6 days and 16 hours after My 29th birthday I would still remember it. My sister woke Me up by calling, screaming in the phone to turn on the news just in time to see the other plane hit.. What ever happened to "We will never forget."

Friday, June 8, 2007


Filed under Eweeeu.

Vancouver patient oozes green blood

Doctors at Vancouver's St. Paul's Hospital came across something highly illogical when they tried to put an arterial line into a patient about to undergo surgery: his blood was dark green.

The green blood — reminiscent of the Vulcan blood found in Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame — came as a bit of a shock to Dr. Alana Flexman and her colleagues, who report on the unusual case in this week's issue of the journal The Lancet.

Click The Pic.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Up Date, She is out? Edit:

Edit: Fry 6/8/07. She is back to 45 days, Th judge ordered her to serve out the full 45 days, in a fit she screamed it's not fare... I love you mom, as she was taken away.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?

“official conspiracy theory”

Conspiracy theorists will point to "Star Wars" as a fictional movie version of real events happening today. Someone was also recently moved to satirically show how conspiracy theorists work using Star Wars as an example. This story has been edited by Websurdity and Debunking 9/11.

Julie Brown - Homecoming Queens got a gun

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Too Funey

Monday, June 4, 2007

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy!


Dog Seatbelt law???

Click the pic

The Hiltion... Gray bar Hiltion that is..

Well she is in, lets see a show of hands how many people remember how many days she was supposed to serve? Well it is now down to 23 days. She is currently in solitary confinement.

Did terrorist use google as tool of terror ?

JUNE 4--One of the plotters behind the alleged scheme to explode gas pipelines at John F. Kennedy airport directed his co-conspirators to use Google Earth to obtain detailed aerial photos of the targeted facility. In a federal criminal complaint, an excerpt from which you'll find below, one of the accused, Abdul Kadir, reportedly told cohorts to use the popular satellite software after he determined that surveillance video shot by the men was "not sufficiently detailed for operational purposes."

Click The Pic