Thursday, July 17, 2008

Texas Tells The UN To Stick It.

Rapist Child molester murderess illegal alien Jose Medellin...

U.N. Court Orders U.S. To Halt Executions Of Mexicans

A United Nations court ruled Wednesday that the United States should halt the executions of five Mexican nationals - including a convicted killer sentenced to die in three weeks - until their cases can be reviewed.

The ruling by the International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, is not binding. Nonetheless, Mexican officials and attorneys for the condemned men said they hoped it would influence U.S. authorities overseeing the five cases in Texas, as well as the 46 other cases of Mexican nationals on death row across the United States.

The most pressing case involves Jose Medellin, who was convicted of raping and killing two teenage girls 15 years ago as part of a gang initiation rite. He is scheduled to die Aug. 5 in Texas. His case has stirred a passionate reaction in Mexico, which does not have the death penalty.

The UN the same one who's people also raped a little girl and ran the oil for food that was nothing more than a scam?

With the United Nations already under fire for the Oil-for-Food mega-scandal and other corruption, sensational allegations of rampant sexual exploitation and rape of young girls and women by the U.N.'s so-called "peacekeepers" and civilian staffers in the Congo is dragging the global body's reputation to an all-time low.
But do not take My word for it..

"The world court don't mean diddly," he said. "This business belongs in the state of Texas. The people of the state of Texas support the execution. We thank them. The rest of them can go to h-ll."

Adolfo Peña, father of Elizabeth, a 16-year-old girl Medellin also raped and murdered, concurred with Ertman.

"I believe we've been through all the red tape we can go through," he told the Houston Chronicle. "It's time to rock and roll."

Death is too good for this piece of garbage Hell is too good for him, and a pox on the UN for wanting to defend this type of human waste.