Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pass this on

Your request for membership has been denied

Andrew Mays
I'm thrilled that you are interested in participation at Classic Trek and fla...
12:06 AM (1 hour ago)
Sherry Macapuguay to Andrew
show details 1:30 AM (22 minutes ago)


A little thing you seem to have forgotten about the star trek universe (and RP in general) one based in equality tolerance and indifference. Gene Roddenberry wold weep, My spelling and grammar are imperfect but you know what I am saying. RP is about fun and commrodery in a shared interest it is not about writing a screen play. For the life of Me I can not understand what possessed anyone to want to have any thing to do with your sight once posting becomes a challenge to the point it is a chore it ceases to be fun and becomes work and you are not paying Me so I suggest you remove My application and the images I pasted I do not wish to stay where I am not welcome nor to I want My work dirtied by a bigoted sight.

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On Jan 30, 2008 12:06 AM, Andrew Mays <> wrote:
I'm thrilled that you are interested in participation
at Classic Trek and flattered that you have taken the
time to come up with a character and the history which
you have posted thus far.

Unfortunately I don't feel your level of writing or
grasp of the English language suits our format. We
are primarily a creative writing group, and because of
our collaborative nature- other players MUST be able
to fully understand the breadth and scope of your
posted actions.

As you may know we had a massive restructure at the
end of 2007. All of the administration, save myself -
have left the site. Because of that I do not
currently have the time nor the resources to assist
you with the sort of difficulties you are having with
writing, spelling and grammar.

Joining our site is a privilege and not a right. Until
the language barrier can be overcome, I'm afraid I'm
in a position of denying you active membership on our

My deepest Apologies.

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