Thursday, May 31, 2007

Oh well

Nothing wakes you up faster than a cold wet nose in your armpit. But it is 6:15 and I have My coffee so all is well.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Schnauzer

A woman had a dog, a champion dog, a Schnauzer. She wanted to enter it in the local dog show, but the dog had some extra hair up around it's ears. So the woman went to the pharmacy to buy some Nair to take care of the problem.

When she brought the Nair to the counter, the Pharmacist said, "If you use this under your arms, you shouldn't put deodorant on for about an hour or it might irritate. And if you use it on your legs, you shouldn't go out in direct sunlight for two hours or you may break out in a rash. "

The woman explains, "Oh no, I'm going to use this on my Schnauzer."

The pharmacist thinks about this for a second and replies, "In that case you shouldn't ride a bicycle for a week!"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well lets see

Blonde Joke: Golfballs

A man gets on a bus with his pockets buldging with golfballs. He sits next to a blonde women who can't stop staring at his pants.

He shifts uncomfortably and explains, "Golfballs."

The blonde thinks about it for a while and says,

"Does that hurt as much as tennis elbow!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2007